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NDS has created a powerful set of web-based tools designed to help our clients’ manage their RCM processes cost-efficiently, quickly, consistently, and repeatably. We call it ProviderEdgetm.

What ProviderEdge™ offers

  • Document management. Any paper EOBs (Explanations of Benefits) you receive can be converted to electronic ‘835’ format using NDS’ conversion services and merged with existing 835s into one centralized library database for your reference and/or for further processing by NDS. Any remittance can be retrieved from this central location at any time, regardless of its origin.
  • Denial reporting and workflow. NDS examines all denials and builds custom reports that may be segmented and searched by denial code, procedure code, dollar amount, and volume, as well as by payer and provider. These custom reports form the basis of further work to resolve the denials speedily. Each denial can be assigned to a follow-up specialist or biller for resolution. Managers and team leaders can instantly review the workload of each associate, allowing each claim to be tracked through to final payment.

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What ProviderEdge™ means for you?

EOB Capture converts all paper remittance documents to electronic form. (See EOB Capture Services  for details.)

Document Management capability allows instant access to any remittance document in electronic format, irrespective of its original form. Fast searches and multiple views (including graphic scans of original documents) eliminate wasted time, boost productivity, and enable faster revenue collection.

Readability by humans: Electronic remittance advices are typically readable only by computers. ProviderEdgetm creates additional versions in graphical (TIFF) form that can be read by your employees.

Denial Reporting allows you to design and create your own reports and fully customize searches for key information. Results are presented via a graphical dashboard, and include aging and denial trends data, payer adjudication summary, and more.

This makes follow-up more efficient and helps speed collections. It cuts down bad debts, and reduces the time claims spend in A/R.

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Denial Workflow Management creates a fully configurable workflow design to sort and follow up denials. It includes auto-routing of denials to the appropriate queue and user-definable codes for denials tracking. An electronic rules-based system allows you to resolve denials and collect on them in a faster and more systematic way, reducing time in A/R. ProviderEdgetm lets you choose your own reason codes for tracking denials and sorting them in a denial worklist, which distinguishes between those refused completely and those partially paid. Worklist time reports allow tracking of each processor’s performance.

Each individual capability of ProviderEdgetm contributes to improving productivity by the smart use of technology and intelligent streamlining of workflow. Taken together, the tools boost the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of your RCM processes, and help to reduce future denials. Best of all, these benefits accrue to you on an everyday basis.

The bottom line: Your business makes more money from higher revenue, lower costs, reduced losses and faster collections.

ProviderEdge™ security
ProviderEdge™ conforms to HIPAA security requirements. The website employs SSL security, and all requests must pass through network and application firewalls. Only queries from approved IP addresses are permitted, and encrypted passwords are used to ensure that only authorized personnel have access.
Revenue Cycle
NDS is the perfect partner for outsourced management of your Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) processes, including patient registration, eligibility verification, billing, A/R follow-up and more.
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NDS Delivery
To build effective solutions for our customers, we follow a time tested four-step procedure that delivers powerful tools customized to their specific requirements.
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Client Success
NDS has a decade-long record of designing customized solutions to improve business processes, in various industry sectors, using advanced technologies and innovative techniques.
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