Denial Workflow Management creates a fully configurable workflow design to sort and follow up denials. It includes auto-routing of denials to the appropriate queue and user-definable codes for denials tracking. An electronic rules-based system allows you to resolve denials and collect on them in a faster and more systematic way, reducing time in A/R. ProviderEdgetm lets you choose your own reason codes for tracking denials and sorting them in a denial worklist, which distinguishes between those refused completely and those partially paid. Worklist time reports allow tracking of each processor’s performance.
Each individual capability of ProviderEdgetm contributes to improving productivity by the smart use of technology and intelligent streamlining of workflow. Taken together, the tools boost the efficiency, accuracy and reliability of your RCM processes, and help to reduce future denials. Best of all, these benefits accrue to you on an everyday basis.
The bottom line: Your business makes more money from higher revenue, lower costs, reduced losses and faster collections.
ProviderEdge™ security
ProviderEdge™ conforms to HIPAA security requirements. The website employs SSL security, and all requests must pass through network and application firewalls. Only queries from approved IP addresses are permitted, and encrypted passwords are used to ensure that only authorized personnel have access. |