Technovation: /teknóváysh'n/n. A judicious mix of technology and innovation
Most outsourcing firms tell their customers, "At our delivery center, we're going to replicate exactly what you do." Though admirable in some ways, this also means that any inefficiencies present in your operations may be replicated - and perhaps even be automated- by the service provider.
At NDS we critically examine your processes through the lens of our own experiences to identify ways to make them more efficient and reliable. This might mean redesigning a process, or automating parts of a process, or using smarter IT to improve overall speed and efficiency. At NDS we critically examine your processes through the lens of our own experiences to identify ways to make them more efficient and reliable. This might mean redesigning a process, or automating parts of a process, or using smarter IT to improve overall speed and efficiency.
Our decade-long experience and deep domain expertise are catalysts for developing effective solutions. Sometimes, it helps to think outside the box and draw inspiration from the world of manufacturing. At other times, the key to enhancing throughput while increasing productivity and accuracy lies in "scrubbing" the data at the front end. In effect, we make sure that we bring fresh and innovative ideas to help improve your business. Combine this with our expertise in technology, and we truly offer you Technovation in action. This is what sets us apart from other BPO solutions providers.
Read about some of the benefits Technovation has delivered here |