For most companies, financial accounting tasks such as paying suppliers’ bills, and ensuring contract or regulatory compliance are time-consuming, labor-intensive activities.
Some processes, like accounts payable, are ongoing. Others, such as compliance audits, happen less frequently. But both have something in common: they must both be done (and done efficiently), but they are by no means the organization’s central purpose. We help reduce the pain and cost of administering these processes by outsourcing them to a shared service center. In the process, you also save money.
Accounts Payable is a critical function, as it ensures that authorized invoices are paid accurately, thus helping keep relationships with suppliers and partners healthy. But this function is often not managed to world-class standards because:
- It is a fixed cost, regardless of turnover.
- Incoming invoices require time-consuming verification.
- Inefficient, labor-intensive processes result in incorrect payments.
- Data must be reformatted before it can be entered into the system.
When compliance, auditing and reconciliation are required, certain issues inevitably arise:
- Prohibitive cost and resource demand of “doing it yourself”
- The potentially huge scale of the task
- Varying requirements for compliance in each individual case
- Short available time-frames
- The need for great accuracy
What we do?
NDS deploys powerful Technovation™ — innovative IT technology — and skilled, dedicated staff to deliver cost-effective, accurate
Accounts Payable Services
Compliance, Auditing and Reconciliation Services
How can NDS help you?
- No capital outlay
- Lower process cost
- Scalability
- Speed of delivery
- Wide-ranging cross-industry expertise