A publishing company is only as strong as its weakest link. Subscription management can be just that.
Start with subscriber application forms (that may be on paper). Multiply by incomplete, misspelled, or wrongly formatted information. Add data entry errors and long processing times. The result: a waste of time, money, energy, and paper - all contributing further to declining margins and environmental degradation.
As if that weren’t enough, advertisers increasingly expect more detailed and reliable demographic information about their target audiences.
How do you manage all that and still focus on delivering value to subscribers without having to make significant capital outlays?
Accuracy, efficiency, veracity
NDS will manage your entire subscription database process. Once NDS’ IT systems have been customized to interface perfectly with yours, we deploy our IT Technovationtm to:
- Scan applications to digital format
- Save these electronically in an easily retrievable format
- Capture and classify data contained in these files
- Verify the accuracy, consistency and currency of all address data
- Mine data to create valuable subscriber insights
- Return processed subscriptions and transactions securely to your CRM process
Because of the large number of publications we serve, this largely automated process turns around subscription transactions much more quickly and at lower cost (per transaction) than an individual publisher can. This shared service model also allows us to scale up or down quite easily, without your having to pay high “fixed costs” especially if you need to manage a smaller number of subscriptions.
We can even build an online subscription channel that gives you a more direct connection with your subscribers.
How NDS helps publishers:
- Secure, efficient, end-to-end management of subscriptions
- 99.999% guaranteed accuracy of essential subscriber contact information
- Faster, less-expensive subscription processing
- Financial value added to the subscriber database for resale or advertising